My boyfriend and I went at 7-11 Pandacan branch last night. I was so hungry and thirsty from our little trip so we ate there. You see, I have this hobby of checking each aisle before going out of the Supermarket or Convenient store we're in. That's why whenever my mom will ask me to buy some items at the Supermarket, it will take me an hour before falling in line and paying for the items.
Anyway, As I was checking the second aisle of the convenient store, the stash of bright yellow boxes with an inviting cute monkey immediately caught my precious attention! Even if we ate chocolate fundae cone (7-11's version of a sundae cone) for dessert, I can't help but to get hungry again ask my boyfriend if he could buy it for me. And He did! Without hesitation! That's how spoiled I am when it comes to food. :P Thanks, Honey!
Look at that cute monkey! |
I love the attractive packaging! The monkey is so cute that you cannot ignore it, and the yellow color is very inviting.