My son suddenly doesn’t like to sit on his stroller every time my family and I go out. Which is pretty weird since he loves his stroller so much! It’s a good thing that he likes to stroll on his own. But when he gets tired, cranky and sleepy, he demands that I carry him. MY SON IS FREAKIN’ HEAVY. So I am planning to buy a sling or a pouch for him. I’ll go for the local made, of course!
- Bailey Wrap
- Next9
- SaYa
- Indigo Baby
- Pouch
Color: Black or Red! But I would like to buy one with a leopard print.
*artey mommy*
Before buying, I’ll try to improvise or make my own out of mom’s kumot so I’ll know if he’s into it. I need one asap because he’s always with me and sleeps whenever we go home after my class. At least I don’t need to wake him up when we need to go down the bus. And since rainy season is coming, I can just place him in the pouch and cover us with the umbrella, un-wet! I think that one of the perks of baby wearing this season.
I must buy soon! Gaaaah!
So that was my draft blogpost last May 26, 2012. Apparently, I was not able to buy him any sling. Boo!
I was not able to buy because he’s too big and he might not fit in any sling (because I was planning to purchase online).
Too bad because when I made a sling using mom’s kumot, he didn’t want to go down! Although my back is pleading him to get down as soon as possible. Haha! Maybe I’ll buy one for my inaanak because my kumare has been telling me how hard it is for her to carry her daughter and for safety sake! At least she can bring her 4 month old daughter with ease!
Now, what color to choose? :p
Happy baby wearing, gorgeous mommies!
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