
Friday, July 4, 2014

I'm back!

Hello there, Lurker!

It's been months since I last blogged. And this is my first blog for this year. Yay for me! :) By the way, do you remember that I have my own domain? Now, I do not have my own website. I am actually okay with it because my cousin was the one paying for it, and I wasn't blogging much. I wasn't blogging at all. I do not want her to spend money for something that I am not using. She was really supportive, and it's unfair that I am not posting anything on the website. When I gain a lot of readers, I will pay for my website. Fair enough! Anyway, since I am going back to blogging, my goal for this year is to have a lot of readers (of course), and blog once a week, or thrice a month. I want to build this up. I want to be a better writer. I hope I can do that! Haha! 

Well, since I am updating whoever is reading this (or I am just updating myself), I just want to let you know that I will be posting a lot of Filofax related posts. I have been into swapping, penpal-ing, crafts, and Filofax-ing. I am crazy about scheduling now! If you are into Filofax, follow me on Instagram! I post my weekly designs there. I am an active Instagram user. LOL! I cannot wait to see you there! :)

This is getting long, I must stop talking to myself. I still need to accomplish a lot from my "to-do list" this week. 

So long for now! :)
